Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tech Wise Parenting is dedicated to summarizing and interpreting the latest research that may help the world manage the relationship children have with technology. It is run by a psychologist/mom and her husband who are going to great lengths to be tech wise parents and are currently raising their two young children screen-free. While research supports screen-free parenting while kids are young, smart and gradual introduction of the right kinds of tech isĀ important and that is what this site is all about.

This site aims to provide support for all of the tough issues parents face related to technology and children in their lives including: screen-time management, breaking screen habits, gaming addictions, cyber-bullying, and anything and everything in between.

If you have young kids (under 5), screen-free is best so head on over to our sister site Screen-Free Parenting for endless screen-free motivation and activities to keep you on track.